How AU Prepares for Success

We sat down with Mike McCay, director of The University Career Center at Auburn University and Addye Bucknell-Burnell, associate director, Career Development, to get their insight on landing the perfect job

By Kate Asbury Larkin ’21


If you live in an area with an Auburn Club or affiliate group, get involved. The Auburn Family loves to mentor, hire and take care of each other, and our clubs and affiliate groups are a great place to meet and network with other alumni and friends. Keep your LinkedIn profile and information updated, and use LinkedIn to search for jobs and alumni in your field and/or industry. Reach out. Connect. Engage. Network. Attend career fairs, both on campus (even if you have already graduated) and/or in your area. Dress professionally, and take copies of your resume (printed on resume-quality paper) to give to prospective employers. Download the Forever AU app to find Auburn alumni where you live or where you go for work or fun.

The Interview

Do your homework

  • Know your audience.
  • Every person you come in contact with at the company is an interviewer, including the receptionist and the janitor; treat every person as the most important person.
  • Research the company and position before you go to the interview.
  • Bring up all experiences that would be interesting to this employer.

Do not ask questions that only benefit yourself

  • Do not ask about salary.
  • Do not ask about vacations or time off.
  • Think of your interview as a date
  • Be sure all of your responses align with the position.
  • Show genuine interest in the job.
  • Promote yourself — tell your story.
  • Do not undersell yourself, your skills and/or your abilities.

Good questions to ask

  • What can I do in this job to make your life easier?
  • What does a typical day look like?
  • What would you like to see this position accomplish in the first 90 days?

Informational Interviewing

Informational interviewing is a time for you to learn more about company, industry or field.

Seek out four to five companies or alumni you would like to sit down with to learn more. It doesn’t matter if the company doesn’t have any current job openings. Information interviews aren’t job interviews; they’re a time to introduce yourself, to get to know the company or industry and to show a genuine interest in the company.

Informational interviews can be beneficial for both the job seeker and the employer. When jobs do open, you’ll have already established a professional relationship.


  • Keep resumes to one page, if possible, two pages, max
  • Tailor your resume to the position for which you are applying.
  • Highlight only the details that would be important to your audience.
  • Use the Job Search Guide on the career center website:
  • Print hard copies on professional resume paper.
  • Choose professional references who you are sure will give you a good recommendation; ask permission to use them as a reference.
  • Do not include references on your resume; references should be on a separate sheet that you present at an interview or upon request.
  • Online portfolios are invaluable electronic resumes.


Enter through the Resources section of Handshake and create an account using your Auburn email address to access GoinGlobal and CareerShift. Find job postings and search for contacts, including alumni, in specific companies or industries.

Career Fairs

Auburn-sponsored career fairs are open to all alumni. Alumni within five years of graduation can utilize the University Career Center for additional assistance.

Pondering Their Future

Pondering Their Future

Harry Ponder ’70 retired from Auburn in 2017, but his legacy lives on. Three of his landscape horticulture students—Justin Sutton ’05, Kim Byram ’94 and Jeff McManus ’88—cite his leadership and passion as big influences.

Pondering Their Future

Pondering Their Future

Harry Ponder ’70 retired from Auburn in 2017, but his legacy lives on. Three of his landscape horticulture students—Justin Sutton ’05, Kim Byram ’94 and Jeff McManus ’88—cite his leadership and passion as big influences.