Faculty Awards
Nominate Your Favorite Auburn Professor Today
Got a favorite professor from your time at Auburn? Nominate that undergraduate teacher who made an impact on you for the Alumni Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award.
Nominations are open through Sept. 20. It doesn’t take long, and the recipients will receive an honorarium award of $1,000.
Nominate a professor today by scrolling down to Alumni Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Awards.
- Alumni Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award
- The Distinguished Graduate Faculty Lectureship
- Alumni Professor Award
The Alumni Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award recognizes the outstanding teaching of undergraduates. Department heads, deans, alumni, and students nominate faculty, and a committee of retired faculty selects the recipients. View Past Recipient Winners
Jointly sponsored by the Auburn Alumni Association and the Auburn University Graduate School, the Distinguished Graduate Faculty Lectureship Award carries with it a $2,000 award from the alumni association. The recipients are nominated by deans, department heads, etc. and chosen by the Graduate Faculty Council on the basis of excellence in research. View Past Recipient Winners
Twenty-five, five-year non-renewable Alumni Professorships are sponsored by the Auburn Alumni Association, with funds endowed from annual giving. The Professorships carry an annual $3,500 salary supplement. The Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost calls for nominations from department heads through deans. The awards are presented on the basis of research, publishing and teaching. View Past Recipient Winners