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Auburn Club and Affiliate Innovation Grant Expectations

All funds should be spent or allocated by the end of the fiscal year, September 30, 2024.

Auburn clubs or affiliates are allowed to submit ONE application for grant funds, however, they may include multiple proposals or ideas within their application.

The Auburn Club or Auburn Alumni Affiliate is required to have a bank account set up specifically for the group (these funds could also be utilized to set up a bank account if necessary).

If you have yet to do this and need assistance or support, please reach out to your Auburn Clubs Coordinator.

If the event, program, or initiative is not executed, the Auburn Clubs and Affiliates Program staff has the discretion to determine appropriate next steps for the group, including reallocating funds or requesting that the money is returned to the Auburn Alumni Association. This will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

The grant funds are to be utilized on: o Events and programs, either existing or new initiatives

Communication tools, such as email software, graphic design tools, social media o If the club or affiliate has any other ideas of how they would like to spend these funds, please communicate with the Auburn Clubs and Affiliates Program staff.

All clubs and affiliates that receive funds will be required to have an individual meeting with your Auburn Clubs Coordinator to go over expectations and the process of how the funds will be awarded.

All clubs and affiliates that do not receive funds will be communicated with an explanation and how they may be able to improve their application in the future.

All clubs and affiliates that receive funds will be asked to complete a summary following the end of the fiscal year, so we can capture the impact and final details of how these funds were utilized.