From safely shooting a gun to cooking an excellent meal, these unique and often overlooked classes in Auburn’s curriculum may surprise you.
What Do Students Carry In Their Backpack?
This ever-present functional accessory is more than a carrier of books, it’s also an expression of a student’s personality, lifestyle and even goals.
Auburn’s Study Abroad Program Celebrates 20 Years
Through the Joseph S. Bruno Auburn Abroad in Italy program, Auburn students immerse themselves in the Italian way of life.
Artificial Intelligence and Auburn University
The future of machine learning is less about robots becoming sentient and more about helping humanity grow better crops or deliver a hotter latte. Auburn researchers are at the forefront of showing how AI will integrate into our everyday lives, one line of code at a time.
Experience Auburn Scholarship Program
Innovative program brings academically gifted prospective students to campus without the worry of costs.
Miss Auburn Is More Than Just a Crown
Alumnae who held the title of Miss Auburn recall the impact it made on their lives.
We need your great Auburn stories!
We are looking for the newest, most inspiring stories about Auburn students, faculty, staff and alumni. Stories that touch the head and heart and show Auburn as a modern university that embraces its history and celebrates the Auburn Family every chance it gets.
Have you recently had a job promotion, married or had an addition to your family?
More Students Stories
The Everything Player
Jabari Smith is the everything player at the everything school.
While presidential elections get most of the headlines, midterm elections often reveal the values and voters of the country.
Chairmen of the Boards
How TikTok, COVID-19, ESPN and mad bag skills turned two Tigers into cornhole kings.
News Roll: Auburn Senior Becomes Town Mayor
Auburn senior Messiah Williams-Cole is the new mayor of Camp Hill, Ala., after defeating incumbent Ezell Woodyard-Smith in an Oct. 6, 2020 runoff election.
Finding A Home
For more than 25 years, diversity and inclusion programs across campus have helped underrepresented students and alumni find their place on the Plains.
Belief and Action: Auburn University in the Era of #MeToo
As #MeToo reveals the prevalence of sexual assault, Auburn creates conversations, curricula and programs that support and inform.