Category: "Women of Auburn"

Women of Auburn

We need your great Auburn stories!

We are looking for the newest, most inspiring stories about Auburn students, faculty, staff and alumni. Stories that touch the head and heart and show Auburn as a modern university that embraces its history and celebrates the Auburn Family every chance it gets.

Tell us your important life update!

Have you recently had a job promotion, married or had an addition to your family? Send us a class note and remember to add your class year.

More Women of Auburn Stories

Wildest Dreams

Author and New York Times writer Margaret Renkl looks for answers to societal ills in the harmony between humans and nature.

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Data Defender

Stephanie Todd ’04 keeps your financial secrets safe at one of the world’s largest banks.

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The Teacher’s Coach

She wanted to be a physical therapist, but now Joy Gaston Gayles ’98 helps support and inspire a new generation of professors.

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