War Eagle! To best serve the needs and interests of our alumni, we simplified our Auburn Alumni Association membership structure. All graduates will remain General Members, with no monetary contribution required, and Life membership gifts will support Auburn. We will no longer offer annual membership. See our FAQ below for more information.
Purchase a life membership below, or consider these other ways to support Auburn though giving.
Life Membership
Become a life member of the Auburn Alumni Association.
Existing Life Member Payments
If you are making life member payments in installments, click below to make your next payment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are you making this change to annual membership?
This change allows more people to give to an area of Auburn that they are passionate about. Not requiring annual membership will allow you to support whatever Auburn project might be most important to you, from the EAGLES program to wheelchair basketball to your local Auburn Club. Visit here to make your 100% tax-deductible gift.
What benefits will be continued?
Life members will continue to receive existing benefits, including access to events, issues of Auburn Magazine, use of the university’s Ralph Brown Draughon Library resources and scholarship eligiblity for children.
I'm currently paying toward my life membership. What does this mean for me?
You will continue your payment plan, but you are also welcome to pay off your balance or your next installment by visiting Email for membership details as needed.
Can I still support the Auburn Alumni Association?
Yes! There are so many opportunities to support the alumni association through scholarship or program support. See your options.
What is a General Member?
All Auburn University main campus degreed graduates are General Members of the Auburn Alumni Association, with no membership contribution required. General Members have access to the online Auburn Magazine, are members of their local Auburn Club and receive regular updates from the Auburn Alumni Association.
I need to update my contact information. How do I do that?
Visit or email
I'd like to give an association membership as a gift. How do I do this?
Life membership contributions are available for purchase online or by calling 334-844-2960.
I'm looking for an old friend. How can I find his or her contact information?
Due to privacy laws, we cannot release personal information on individual alumni without their permission. We may be able to facilitate connections between individuals, however. For details, email
Are there scholarships available for children of Life members?
Children of fully paid life members may be eligible for alumni scholarship assistance, provided they meet certain academic criteria. Parents must be fully paid life members by February 1 of the students incoming year. Visit for more details or call 334-844-2995.
I agreed to pay five annual installments to complete my life membership. I have missed a payment. What should I do?
Payments are due the same month each year. To reopen your membership, you will need to pay any past-due installments to update your payment schedule. Installment payments that were made over five years ago cannot be credited toward a new life membership.
A relative recently passed away. Who should I notify as regards his or her membership status?
Email our records department at Memberships are closed after a person’s death and are not transferrable.
We've had a birth in our family! How do I contact Auburn Magazine to submit a birth announcement?
To submit a birth announcement to Auburn Magazine, send an email to containing the parents’ names, place of residence, the child’s full name and date of birth.
I am not an Auburn University graduate—may I still join the association to support Auburn?
Yes! We have more than 4,000 non-graduate members.
I graduated from Auburn University Montgomery. Can I join the Auburn Alumni Association?
Yes! You may join AUM’s association, contribute to the Auburn Alumni Association or both.