Posts Tagged "Class of 1970s"

Class of 1970s



When Glomerata editors overstepped their bounds in 1955 and 1970, Auburn students took to the streets—and took their matches to the beloved yearbooks.

Pondering Their Future

Pondering Their Future

Harry Ponder ’70 retired from Auburn in 2017, but his legacy lives on. Three of his landscape horticulture students—Justin Sutton ’05, Kim Byram ’94 and Jeff McManus ’88—cite his leadership and passion as big influences.

Auburn Love Stories: How They Met

Auburn Love Stories: How They Met

From blind dates to football games to chance meetings in the classroom, Auburn alums reflect on how they found love and everlasting romance on the Plains.

Christmas Tree Triumph

Christmas Tree Triumph

Sam, Jim and Agnes Cartner grow Christmas trees so good they’re putting one in the White House in 2024.

We need your great Auburn stories!

We are looking for the newest, most inspiring stories about Auburn students, faculty, staff and alumni. Stories that touch the head and heart and show Auburn as a modern university that embraces its history and celebrates the Auburn Family every chance it gets.

Have you recently had a job promotion, married or had an addition to your family?

Send us your class note and remember to add your class year.

More Class of 1970s Stories

Living the Creed

Alumni around the world live The Auburn Creed in remarkable ways. Meet three who have dedicated their lives to making an impact on others by serving the underserved and giving hope to the hopeless.

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News. Worthy.

Eric Ludgood’s ’78 journalistic integrity has guided him through his career as a writer and producer at local stations—and now as head of Newsy.

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Meet The Mayors

Two alumni from different eras—both mayors of small towns—share advice on life, work and leadership.

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